Know Features & Advantages of XPS Document and Also Learn The Difference Between XPS and PDF
The acronym or full form of XPS is XML Paper Specification, which is used in print processing layout display creation of document by incorporating vector graphic images and allow to save files as XPS document. You might be confused about what is XPS document or XPS file but it is important to note that It is an alternative of a PDF file. It was first introduced with Windows Vista as an inbuilt application in Year 2006. It was continued in the next version of Microsoft Windows 7 too. But later in Year 2009 XPS was replaced by OXPS (OpenXPS). OXPS was based on XAML and started supporting many features like: Digital Signature and Digital Rights Managements.
XPS file is a zipped archive file with collection of XML files having text messages, embedded fonts, images, digital signatures, and DRM etc. The zipped packing process to create OXPS is also called Open Packaging Conventions.
XPS and OXPS file have following features:
XPS vs PDF Document
XPS is XML based file which allow to save contents in a file having .xps extension. While PDF is post script document and it is generated from application directly. Both are platform independent and store document fidelity in fixed layout. XPS file can accessed in an inbuilt tool of Microsoft XPS Document Writer.
In 2006 XPS was launched as a PDF killer but It could not gain that much popularity as PDF. But still a technical person sometimes uses it to create print preview for printing the documents. But if we talk about any average user then you will find that there are very few number of people in the world who is using XPS for printing and writing instead of PDF.
Advantages of XPS File Format over PDF
If we talk about the benefits or advantages of XPS file format over PDF then I must tell you that there are few advantage like: XPS in good for publishing and sharing, XPS file is Safe, XPS is Good for future because it is the part of Dot NET Framework and Windows Presentation Foundation. You can get XPS Document Writer tool as a part of Windows OS but in case of PDF you have to purchase the software. So like this you can also save same amount of money.
No, XPS file is not better then PDF because it supports dynamic functionality while XPS does not. But in some cases OXPS have advantage over PDF like:Digital Signature and Digital Rights Managements. But still if we compare overall feature of OXPS and PDF then you will find that PDF wins the competition. PDF is more popular and familiar to every one in comparison with XPS. Microsoft haven't specified any specific till now about why user should use XPS instead of PDF. If you share a document as XPS instead to PDF to a person than he/she will get confuse for a while about accessing it. But if you share a PDF then that person is totally aware with it and can access it easily. After 10 years since launched date of XPS, it couldn't gain the popularity. But it is still being included in every version of Windows OS. Other Operating Systems like Macintosh and Linux does not provide an inbuilt plugin to support accessing XPS or OXPS file, while it provide inbuilt support for PDF. If a user want ot access OXPS file in Linux or Mac then he/she have to install its plugin first.
There are very less chance for usage of XPS or OXPS for printing. Because it couldn't win the competition with PDF, which are mostly used now days in the world. XPS have also less features in caparison with PDF. So, hope that it's been clear to you about "what is XPS file or document?" and "why use XPS file?".