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Should I Upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10: Reasons for Win 10 Migration

Written By Kumar Raj
Anuraag Singh
Approved By Anuraag Singh
Published On August 21st, 2018
Reading Time 5 Minutes Reading

“I have been a loyal Windows 7 users for many years. Even after Microsoft rolled out Windows 10, I decided to stick with Windows 7. In last few weeks, three of my friends switched to Windows 10 and they are head over heels for it. Though I often think of migrating to Windows 10, I am still confused. Should I Upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10? Please help me with relevant information.”

Do you still use Windows 7? Since the latest Windows OS 10 is out, you should seriously consider upgrading your OS to Windows 10. Why? The reasons are numerous. In this era of fast-paced technology, nobody wants to lag behind. People always wait for the technology to come so that they can switch to it. When it comes to Operating System, which is the soul of your system, choosing the latest and the best should always be your top priority.

As we all know, Windows is the most widely used Operating System in this world. In fact, more than 8 systems out of 10 runs of any version of Windows OS. Among this huge number of users, many are still confused regarding OS version upgrading to Windows 10. In this post, we will clarify all the doubts of these users and tell you why you should upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 without losing your data.

Why Should You Move to Windows 10 from Windows 7

Here are some of the major reasons why you should upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 immediately.

  1. Supreme Security: Security is the biggest concern for every gadget user and with Windows 10, you do not have to worry a bit. Windows 10 offers the strongest security measures. Being the latest Windows OS version, it is eligible for the most recent and regular update. Microsoft confirmed that they will continue to provide extended support for Windows 10 until October 2025. So users can remain worry-free about all types of security threats once they upgrade to Windows 10.
  2. Exciting Features: With Windows 10, users are going to get a number of new and exciting features. You will get new photo viewer and Mixed Reality Viewer apps in Windows 10. This version also introduces Cortana, an app that you can talk with. It can keep track of all your preferences and work as your reminder and digital assistant. Apart from these, you have an app store in Windows 10 from which users can choose apps of their choice.
  3. Final Purchase: If you are tired of upgrading your Windows, Microsoft assures you that this is the last one. It is almost confirmed that Windows 10 is the last Windows version introduced by Microsoft. Obviously, new updates will be there from time to time like Fall Creators edition. However, there will not be any Windows 11 or Win 12 or any such thing. So, once you purchase Windows 10, you do not have to worry about buying another upgraded Windows OS.
  4. Touchscreen-Friendly: Apart from smartphones, a large number of people use touch devices. These devices include hybrid computers and tablets. Windows 7 has not been touch friendly at all; therefore, users had a hard time using it on touchscreen devices. This problem is going to end with Windows 10 as Microsoft developed this OS to be touchscreen competent. Thus, people who use touchscreen devices or planning to get one soon should have Windows 10.
  5. Performance and Speed: Windows 10 is the best performing Windows OS till now. It takes considerably less time to start and wake up from sleep mode. When used in laptops and netbooks, the battery backup time increases. Windows 10 comes with the default web browser Edge, which is undoubtedly faster than Internet Explorer, the default browser of Windows OS till Win 8.0. The overall performance of Windows 10 is also commendable.
  6. Optimized for New Hardware: Just like the OS, hardware parts keep getting updated. Without the support from compatible Operating System, the hardware is incapable of giving its best performance. Upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 to get the best out of the latest hardware and beyond. Moreover, some hardware like the virtual reality headset HoloLens by Microsoft is only compatible with Windows 10.
  7. Xbox One and DirectX 12 Support: If you are a hardcore gamer and especially, if you play Xbox, upgrading to Windows 10 is a must for you. Windows 10 will have DirectX 12, that will provide 10% to 20 % faster performance than DirectX 11, even out of the same hardware. It will also allow streaming of Xbox One games on Win 10 run desktops and laptops, even when the games are running on the console.
  8. Downgrade Facility: When there is a new thing in town, there is no harm in trying it. All users are welcome to try Windows 10 and if they do not like it, they can roll back to their Windows 7 (this facility is not available for Win 8.0 and 8.1). This downgrading option will be available for 30 days of Win 10 installation. Users will be also allowed to switch back to Windows 10 even after they downgrade once.

Final Thoughts

For the people who are wondering “should I upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10,” we discussed different reasons for Windows 10 upgrade. After reading this write-up, users should have no doubt about Windows OS upgrade. If you are interested to upgrade your Windows system to Win 10, you can choose to use SysTools Windows Migration Tool. This software help users to upgrade from Win 7 to Windows 10 smoothly.


By Kumar Raj

A versatile writer with the vast knowledge of technology helps to reduce the gap between a user and technology. Provides easy and reliable ways to resolve multiple technical issues, which users encounter in their day-to-day life.