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Eminent Troubleshooting Guide for Common Lotus Notes Issues & Resolutions

Written By Kumar Raj
Anuraag Singh
Approved By Anuraag Singh
Published On August 26th, 2022
Reading Time 7 Minutes Reading

Lotus Notes is one of the superior email applications as compare to others. It facilitates many functionalities like emails, calendars, contact management, discussion forums, file sharing, blogging, and much more. But sometimes, you may encounter several issues which lead to a serious problem. The occurrence of Lotus Notes error messages frequently is very disturbing and frustrating.

So, here in this write-up, we will be going to discuss the most common error messages which take place in Lotus Notes. Also, help you know how to resolve the error messages without any hindrance. Basically, covering up the common lotus notes errors and solutions.

Top 10 Common Lotus Notes Errors and Solutions – Troubleshooting Tips

Everyone has faced the issues while using Lotus Notes application. Before contacting support, you should be ensured to complete the basic troubleshooting steps. Listed below are the most common errors with their solutions. You have to make sure that the techniques you work with can help you get your lotus notes errors and solutions as quickly as possible:

IBM Lotus Notes error 1:

“The Lotus Notes File does not exist”

When a user updated the Lotus Notes program from the old version to the newest one. Then there will be the probability that File does not exist error will appear on the screen. There are various reasons are due to this type of behavior presented by Lotus Notes.

  1. Poor availability of internet
  2. The NSF file may be stored in the external storage device
  3. The filename has been changed
  4. While updating the version, the user tries to attach another file rather than its primary file format.


  1. Initially, make sure for an appropriate internet connection.
  2. Hit on Database >> Properties >> Archiving Settings and check whether the file name changed, misplace or renamed. If the file got deleted then create the new file and then store it at the same location.
  3. Configure antivirus application and extract DTF file from it.
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Lotus Notes Error 2:

“Network operation exceeded the user-specified system time limit”

This error is the most commonly faced by many Lotus Notes users. You can get off from this error by using two techniques. Both are listed below. Have a look:


  1. IBM Lotus Notes user requires to open Replicator page on Lotus notes email application.
  2. Now, manually activate or Replicate Line Sending Outgoing Mail.
  3. Lastly, start your Lotus Notes program and check the mail tab. Switch the location of mail file from local to On Server if required. Again check the Send Outgoing mail field. If it displays properly to the internet then change it to through the Domino Server.

Lotus Notes Error 3:

“You Are Not Authorized to Access the Database”

Mainly, this error occurs when the user does not have an allowance to open the Lotus Notes database file. The NSF file may also be secured with a password that stops the unauthorized u of data. When a user tries to open their NSF data file without any sufficient privilege then you are not authorized to access the database error appeared.


This error can only be solved if you have an appropriate authorization to access the database. This type of privilege can only be facilitated by the administrator. If the admin is not available at the moment then in such as you require to remove security from NSF file using any effective security remover application.

If you are consistently facing issues with Lotus Notes application then switch to Outlook with the help of SysTools NSF to PST Converter software

Lotus Notes Error 4:

“Your current ID does not consist of an internet”

When IBM Lotus Notes user sets the default settings to sign up the emails then this type of error encounters. With the help of a utility such as “Public Key infrastructure” the existing ID of lotus can be simply set. With the help of the User public key the message signed by the client to the other recipients easily. When the email messages are sent utilizing the internet but the key does not work properly.


This can be easily and simply repaired when a user integrates X.509 certificate into IBM Notes ID. Do not forget to change the default settings of signing messages.

IBM Notes Error 5:

“The object store that is utilized by this note was not found in database”

This error message state to the IBM Notes shared mail that is no longer in use. When the Lotus Notes user needs to access the Lotus Notes document that is not available in the domino object store. Then in such kind situation, this error appeared.


This error can easily be solved by running ‘Collect’ task on the database to remove the recommendations.

IBM Notes Error 6:

“Error Creating Product Object Lotus Notes”

This error accessing product object lotus notes encounters when the user tries to generate an agent using the Lotus Notes Connectors LotusScript Extension (LCLSX) to connect to the Domino database table.


This error cannot be solved manually, you required to record or take the snap of error and contact the support of Lotus Notes. There is multiple Help Document where you can thorough troubleshooting ideas from the LSX session.

Lotus Notes Error 7:

“You cannot utilize admin program while the Domino server is running”

The IBM Notes application installs its program files on a local computer system but utilizes a file server to save the data. And just because of this, often times Lotus Notes stops functioning properly. When you try to open the Lotus Notes program, you face the above error message.


This tiresome error can simply be repaired by following some steps:

  1. First of all, open the Lotus Notes configuration file Notes.ini you can use Notepad or WordPad here.
  2. Afterward, Now add the parameter “Directory=” under “Notes Program Files”, such as
    Directory=C:\Program Files\IBM\Lotus\Notes\Data
  3. Lastly, you can save IBM Notes.ini file and restart the application.
Domino Notes Error 8:
“Database Not Opened Yet Lotus Notes”

This is the Lotus Notes transfer error caused by LotusScript code. This message will displays on your screen only when the LotusScript code detects an invalid database object handle and tried to work upon that handler. The possible reasons behind this error:

  1. The Server or File are entered inappropriately
  2. The current machine fails to determine the connection with the target server.
  3. The user does not have the right to open the target database.

To solve this database has not been opened yet this error you need to check all the configuration settings and the add corrective ways.

Lotus Notes Error 9:
“Entry not Found in Index”

Basically, this Entry Not Found in Index Notes Error message confronts due to the locally edited policy. This type of error occurs often times when a new user is configuring with the IBM Notes.


To repair this cumbersome error, you required to edit and save all the given policies instantly on server replica of names.nsf.

Domino Notes Error 10:
“The Object Store Database Is Disabled”

The error has a connection to Domino Server. When a user opens a database locally and wants to open a DAOS attachment, then they will confront this error message. A user should not open a Domino Attachment and Object Service enabled database locally.


To get rid of this error message, you must use the Domino Server. Instead of starting the database locally, you should have to connect it to the Domino server.

Summing Up

In this article, we emphasize the common lotus notes errors and solutions. There is no doubt that Lotus Notes is prominently used the email application but, sometimes most of the users confront this kind of errors. So, using the solutions tips you can get rid of from this tiresome error.


By Kumar Raj

A versatile writer with the vast knowledge of technology helps to reduce the gap between a user and technology. Provides easy and reliable ways to resolve multiple technical issues, which users encounter in their day-to-day life.