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ISO Certified Class 100 Clean Room Lab for Data Recovery & Digital Forensics by SysTools

Written By Neeraj Kumar
Anuraag Singh
Approved By Anuraag Singh
Published On October 29th, 2024
Reading Time 8 Minutes Reading

class 100 clean room

Learn the importance of Class 100 Clean Room Lab for data recovery and digital forensics benefits data-oriented businesses and law enforcement agencies. This guide answers all the questions in your mind about this controlled environment precisely free from the majority of contaminants and dust particles. This guide explains how a Clean Room Lab should be and how SysTools ISO-certified Class 100 Clean Lab services help corporate businesses, government agencies, and individuals.

After going through the protocols and standards of a clean room for digital forensics and data recovery, it’s quite difficult for anybody in this industry to ignore this fact.

What is A Class 100 Clean Room Lab?

A Class 100 Clean Room Lab is a workspace or laboratory to execute research, data recovery, product manufacturing, digital forensics, etc where the environment can be controlled for the temperature, humidity, pressure and level of air particles & dust. A normal air-conditioned environment contains 0.5 micron particles with 5,00,000 to 10,00,000 particles per cubic foot whereas a Class 100 Clean Room lab for data recovery holds 50-100 particles with 0.5 microns per cubic foot.

There are various devices like Hard Disk Drives (HDDs), Solid-State Drives (SSDs), Mobile Device Disks, USB Flash Drives, Pagers, RAID Servers, Magnetic Tapes, CDs, DVDs, SD Cards, Memory Cards, etc existing today. SysTools can easily retrieve lost, corrupted, and missing data from such devices in 99% of cases depending upon their physical conditions. In case of logical failure, there is almost no chance of failure in getting back the data.

Worldwide, users observe various cases of data loss due to operating system malfunctioning, media devices damaged both physically or logically, single partition issues, corruption, accidental data deletion, etc. Now, users can deal with internal data corruption issues. However, for physical damages, specialized tools and labs like Clean Room are compulsory.

To Ger Services for Class 100 Clean Room Lab or to Build Your Own Clean Room, contact SysTools Experts now & experience professionalism. Contact Us

Importance of ISO Certified Class 100 Clean Room Lab

Recovering any sort of data from any piece of device is necessary and quite common these days. However, the challenge in this 21st century is to make it efficient and more precise. This is where the funnel gets narrow and only a few industry pioneers can sneak in.

There are various reasons why a Clean Room Lab for DR and DF is required. All the major ones are mentioned below:

  • Protection from Outside Environment: Storage devices generally get damaged when exposed to the outside environment containing, pressure differences, temperature issues, humidity factors, and contaminants in the air like dust. An ISO 5 certified Class 100 Clean Room nullifies all such factors.
  • Purified Air Stops the Contaminents: During the recovery process, the storage device is protected as a High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter purifies the air & does not allow dust particles to enter. Federation Standards 209, states a Class 100 Clean Room must maintain less than 100 particles per cubic foot of 0.5 microns.
  • Electric Interference: ISO 5 certified Class 100 clean room lab protects the storage devices from electric fields and electromagnetic interference. This ensures that there will not be any sort of compromise earth the data integrity.
  • Multi-Layer Security: Any data examiner or analyst who enters the lab, always goes through multiple air showers to remove dust & small particles. They have to wear specialized clothes to prevent the body from shedding dead skin cells, hair, oil, sweat, etc which can pollute the air particles inside the lab.

Class 100 Clean Room Digital Forensics Lab – Scope and Work

In the era of digital forensics, this ISO 5 Class 100 Clean Room makes the examination and analysis of digital evidence error-free. The accuracy and security such a lab provides are prominent in the investigation of evidence that leads to legal proceedings.

Moreover, to understand how this lab helps in different stages and types of digital forensics, we have explained the chronological benefits.

1. Data Extraction & Analysis
A Clean Room helps in error-free extraction and analysis of data without any hassles because of a completely controlled environment. Not a single factor either physical or digital can interfere with the data extraction and analysis from a storage device.

2. Mobile Device Forensics
External factors like pressure, humidity, and air articles pollution plays a huge in damaging the mobile storage disks. This is why, in streamlining digital forensics and keeping the evidence safe from all sorts of potential threats, a clean room plays a significant role.

3. Preservation of Evidence
While preserving the evidence for a longer period or to another platform to present in a court of law or for records, the environment must be controlled. An uncontrolled environment can easily tamper the evidence leading to a false verdict in a court.

4. Security and Confidentiality
Security and confidentiality a top priorities in digital forensics which is why a Clean Room is required that takes care of such factors. No external factor can pose a threat to the security and integrity of the evidence.

ISO 5 Certified Class 100 Clean Room Lab for Data Recovery

Whenever a hard disk or a storage device is exposed to usual surroundings containing enough particles threatful in terms of density (50,000 per cubic foot) and size (bigger than .05 micron), it’s more likely to get damaged. Thus, recovery of the crucial evidence in such an environment is almost next to impossible. An ISO-certified Clean Room lab makes this process way easier than it is in the usual environment.

In comparison to the usual recovery, this clean room increases the recovery success rate by a noticeable margin. This mode of getting back data is way more reliable than the previous ones. In case the damage is already there in the drive, the risk of secondary damage is reduced with such a lab.

Class 100 Clean Room Lab All Required Equipment

A lab is not complete without any sort of tools and equipment. Thus, a Class 100 Clean Room lab must havewith a set of basic tools, software, etc. To understand all these equipment, we have mentioned them below with the category.

Basic Tools:

  • Tweezers: To handle micro components delicately.
  • Screwdrivers: Helps in assembling and disassembling.
  • Microscope: To view nano-level components of the drives.
  • Magnifying Glass: For viewing Micro-level components of disks.
    magnifying glass for Class 100 Clean Room Lab for Data Recovery
  • Cleanroom Wipes: For deep cleaning of equipment and surfaces.
    wipes for lab
  • Cleanroom Garments: Lab coats. Head cap, gloves, masks, and boots.
    Clean room garments
  • Static Safe Work Stations: Safeguard resources from electro-static discharge.
    Class 100 Clean Room Data forensics Lab ESD

Specialized Software:

  • Software for Easily Recovering Data
  • Forensic Analysis Wizards
  • Disk Imaging Software
  • Logic Analyzers
  • Hex Editors
  • Oscilloscope

Clean Room Equipment:

  • Laminar Flow Workstations: Laminar flow workstations help in creating a controlled environment in a short space. It’s not wrong to say that it’s an essential tool for Class 100 Clean Room Lab for data recovery & forensics. Various types of Laminar Flow Workstations are wood-based, mild steel-based, and Stainless steel-based. Also, there are two main categories of these workstations as mentioned below:
    Class 100 Clean Room Laminar Flow

    • Horizontal laminar Flow: Here, the flow of air is horizontal across the workstation. This is best suited for tasks generating minimal particulate matter. For example, production, assembly, etc.
    • Vertical laminar Flow: Air flows vertically downwards to keep the particles at the bottom. It is for the tasks that produce major particulate matter. For example, recovery, forensics, etc.
  • HEPA Filters: HEPA filter is also known as High-Efficiency Particulate Air filters. Therefore, It removes the large size particles from the air & minimizes their density as well.
    HEPA filter
  • Air Showers: It helps in wiping off the contaminants from the personnel entering the lab. Also, it’s similar to an air curtain but with more power & precision.
    air showers
  • Cleanroom Lighting: UV lighting and other lighting to keep the lab cool is required to be registered as a Class 100 lab.
    clean room lighting
  • Pass-Through Chambers: These pass-through chambers help pass materials in and out of the Clean Room lab.
    pass through chambers
  • Temperature & Humidity Control Systems: Temperature and humidity control systems always maintain a sustainable temperature apt for storage devices.
    temperature controlling system

SysTools Offerings for the ISO 5 Clean Room Lab

SysTools is one of the leading organizations in the field of DR and DF. It offers this facility to all individuals, businesses, large-scale corporations, and even government agencies.

Here, we have an ISO 5 Certified Class 100 Clean Room Lab for data recovery and digital forensics strictly following standard rules and out-of-the-box protocols to keep the data intact and simplify recovery & forensics.

SysTools operates in two ways to provide its services:

  1. Provide recovery of any sort of data from a digital device along with forensics for its clients which are businesses and government agencies.
  2. Help businesses & government agencies set up their own Class 100 Clean Room Lab.

If you have any queries regarding the service for an ISO-certified clean room lab, simply contact our support team to learn more. Hence, all your queries can be considered.

Wrapping It Up

After understanding that the Clean Room Digital Forensics Lab is capable of forensics and recovery of data. Finally, let’s conclude. From importance to equipment and services, we have mentioned it all. Recovery of lost or corrupted data and forensics for digital evidence is on another level with ISO 5 certified lab. Hence, it can save time & improve accuracy for DR and DF domains.