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Ultimate CCPA Compliance Checklist: Requirements & Best Practices

Written By Ashwani Tiwari
Anuraag Singh
Approved By Anuraag Singh
Published On July 3rd, 2024
Reading Time 9 Minutes Reading

Overview: The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) was passed on the first day of the New Year 2020. It is a major privacy law that aims to improve California citizens’ privacy rights and consumer protection. It offers residents an opportunity to take charge of their own data while insisting on tough statutory requirements from firms dealing with such information. This article you explore the importance of CCPA compliance, its checklist, requirements and more, also follow the best practices for businesses to ensure they meet regular standards and stay CCPA compliant.

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What is CCPA Compliance & its Importance?

The California Consumer Privacy Act, representational legislation, offers recourse to consumers in terms of personal information gathering, application and trade for the users. Importantly, this legislation does not allow any enterprise to unfairly treat or discriminate against those exercising this right.

Therefore, CCPA compliance is important because of various aspects given below:

  1. By giving consumers control over their personal information, it can enhance trust levels.
  2. Non-compliance-related hefty fines and legal troubles are avoided.
  3. It demonstrates commitments towards data privacy, which might be a competitive differentiator.
  4. Thus, it not only assures protection against unauthorized access but also limits the probability of one’s data being shared ceaselessly.

CCPA Compliance Requirements

In plain terms, businesses need to meet certain criteria given by the CCPA so as not to violate consumer’s rights to privacy in their personal information which may include but is not limited to postal address, email address or any other detail which may be used as means of identifying him/her.

The CCPA mandates that the following consumer requirements be addressed. Here is the list of key requirements:

  1. Data privacy policy updates: It Updates your privacy policy every 12 months. This keeps customers informed if you change your data handling practices.
  2. Right to Disclosure: Before or during data collection, you should tell a consumer why you are collecting their personal information according to the California Consumer Privacy Act.
  3. Right to Access: Customers should have the freedom to ask for their information in a format that’s easy to use. The information had to be provided to you within 45 days of your request, free of charge. So, they probably need a seamless connection that leads them straight into all parts of your Privacy Policy.
  4. Right to Contact Information: You must tell consumers where they can find more details about your privacy policy and CCPA compliance. Also, there should be the option for toll-free phone numbers and online contact information for CCPA-related queries.
  5. Right to be Forgotten: The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is an act that requires businesses to delete a consumer’s data if the consumer requests such deletion. Hence, only a few cases have been documented where data deletion requests have been declined. These cases usually involve government efforts.
  6. Right to Opt-out of Data Sales: Offer the consumers the opportunity to disallow their personal data if you use it for sale. Do possess a page with opt-out option which is easily seen and a privacy policy link. There must as well be ways for not collecting their information for possible marketing in future.
  7. Right to Fair Treatment: You cannot discriminate against users for exercising privacy rights under the CCPA.

Who Need to Comply With CCPA Compliance?

The businesses which meet certain requirements and collect personal information of California residents are bound by the CCPA. A company’s applicability with respect to the CCPA depends on three main things which include; revenue threshold, data collection threshold as well as types of businesses.

Here’s what you need to consider:

Revenue: See if you make more than $25 million annually after deductions for expenses. It means you make $30 million in a year at least from your commercial activities. This is where you meet criterion number one.

Data Collection: Find out if you collect information from over 50,000 Californians every year through social media or other sources such as census data centers but excluding individuals over whom they exercise power under any circumstances because you think it is fair to treat them like anyone else even though they may be under their care just as anyone could provide such service without inexpensive oversight once in throughout California. You fit the second criteria as well.

Business Type: If your business is profit-based and it operates online, making it a commercial entity. Then, your businesses can fall into the category which need to comply with CCPA.

If all these given criteria satisfy your business entity, Then, CCPA applies to you.

CCPA Compliance Checklist : Key Points to Remember

Companies should go for different initiatives to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) that allow them to maintain the privacy rights and protect their clients information. This checklist highlights detailed steps meant for helping them avoid any challenges in accomplishing the named goals.

Here is the CCPA checklist we have outlined for you:

  1. Build your personal Information Inventory: The business should identify then categorize all personal information it collects, retains, or distributes.
  2. Revise your Privacy Policies: Ensures its privacy policies are current, clearly defining consumer rights and methods of their exercise.
  3. Implement Data Subject Access Request (DSAR): Request protocols for information access, deletion, or opting out of selling personal records must be set up.
  4. Revise and Update Data Security Breaches: We must strengthen data safety measures to deter malicious actors from accessing individual information and prevent data breaches.
  5. Educate your Employee: Teach your employees about CCPA responsibilities and how to take care of when consumers demand their data or privacy be maintained.
  6. Record all your Consumer Requests: Demonstrate compliance with the CCPA through maintaining records of efforts to comply. It includes those related to consumer inquiries for information and replies to these inquiries.

CCPA Vs CPRA Vs GDPR – Find the Differences

Full Form California Consumer Privacy Act California Privacy Rights Act General Data Protection Regulation
Released Date January 1, 2020 January 1, 2023 May 25, 2018
Target Scope California residents Enhances CCPA for California residents EU residents and data processed in the EU
Key Rights Right to know, delete, opt-out Adds right to correct, limits on data use Right to access, rectification, erasure, data portability, restriction of processing, and objection
Data Protection Authority California Attorney General California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) Various national Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) in the EU
Fines and Penalties Up to $2,500 per violation, $7,500 per intentional violation Same as CCPA Up to €20 million or 4% of global annual turnover, whichever is higher
Agreement Requirements Opt-out for data sales and marketing Opt-in for sensitive data, enhanced opt-out Explicit consent required for data processing
Business Applicability Businesses meeting certain thresholds Lower thresholds, includes contractors All organizations processing data of EU residents
Sensitive Data Limited provisions Special category data with explicit consent Detailed provisions for special categories of data
Consumer Requests Must respond within 45 days Same as CCPA, with additional rights Must respond within one month, with a possible extension of two months
Data Breach Warning Notify consumers and AG within 72 hours Exactly as CCPA Notify DPA within 72 hours and data subjects without undue delay

How to Become CCPA Compliant?

To become CCPA compliant, do the following:

  1. Add to your website a privacy policy in compliance with CCPA, or modify an existing one by incorporating information about data collections as well as full details about California consumers rights.
  2. Re-examine your privacy notice every 12 months.
  3. Therefore, include the link “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” in your website’s home page as well as the page containing privacy terms. Honor verified Do Not Sell requests.
  4. Consumers should have the right to access their sensitive data and request corrections, including deletion of any unnecessary details that make them feel unsecure.
  5. Practice implementing and maintaining safeguarding data systems to forestall any breaches, or accidents happening.

Implementing Best Practices For CCPA Compliance

It is important to protect consumer confidentiality to avoid penalties. Therefore, adhering to recognized guidelines remains critical. Some of the best practice include:

  1. Analyze your CCPA’s scope: Conducting a data audit will help you familiarize yourself with the degree of CCPA compliance that needs to be achieved. Therefore, it’s important to understand what kind of information your company gathers from different source. It also Emphasize how data is used and shared. To do data mapping make sure you have created a data flow map once you have understood this data flow. This will show you where data begins from and how it leaves your organization.
  2. Maximize efficiency by Minimizing Data Collection: Only collect personal information as needed for business-related reasons.
  3. Third-party Deal: Make certain that deals with third-party providers integrate rules explicitly for keeping to CCPA.
  4. Coordinates with Consumer: Design a smooth channel for customers to smoothly implement their entitlements.

A Testament for Adherence to Comprehensive CCPA Compliance 

There are scenarios happening which force organizations to remain CCPA Compliant. To meet this you can go with SysTools Data Erasure Software which makes more informed compliance decisions, managing information risk, and improving investigation readiness are all facilitated by this system. It also has the features that allow organizations to pinpoint and understand data, that is personal in the context of their own operations.

We can streamline detection of data thefts as they occur over network connections. Thus aiding companies in keeping their secrets while operating within data protection laws. Also, makes it easier for organizations to make more informed compliance decisions, manage information risk, and improve investigation readiness.

Bringing It All Together

Businesses that handle personal information of California residents should comply with CCPA. In order to protect consumer privacy, prevent legal actions and create trust with clients, organizations must adhere to all primary rules of privacy. Per the requirements of a solid CCPA enforcement plan, an entity should regularly audit its procedures, enlighten its employees, and practice open data policies.


By Ashwani Tiwari

Being a Chief Technical Analyst, I am aware of the technicalities faced by the user while working with multiple technologies. So, through my blogs and articles, I love to help all the users who face various challenges while dealing with technology.