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iPad System Profiler

iPad System Profiler

The Unified Application to Monitor iPad Activities

Built with a conveniently operable dashboard, iPad System Profiler introduces an effortless way of keeping tab on all activities of the iPad in one touch.

Released: May 28, 2015, Version: 1.0, Size: 3.1 MB, Language: English, Compatibility: Requires iOS 8.0 or later. Compatible with iPad.

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Overview of iPad System Profiler by SysTools

iPad System Profiler by SysTools is the perfect application for iPad activity monitoring. Observe and manage storage, processing, memory or battery consumption, and more; all at one place.


The term "data migration service" refers to the transfer of enterprise databases (including dataflows, networks, computing resources, platforms, mainframes, applications, storage, enterprise solutions, and numerous other clouds) from one site to another.

The first tab featured by the app is Overview. It displays summary of System Information graphically, which give a brief detail of the same tabs given on the iPad app. Following is type of information shown by the tab in brief about other tabs:

  • Number of processes taking place at the time
  • CPU usage graphically represented in percentage
  • Network usage ratio depicted in bytes per second
  • Amount of RAM currently in use and Free memory
  • Overall data Storage shown in percentage ratio
  • Battery status & consumption in percentage value
  • General Details related to iPad:
    • Device model type
    • OS Version
    • Host name
    • Boot time
    • System uptime


The tab for memory consumption gives away complete details regarding the RAM usage done by the iPad. This helps keep tab on the speed at which the device is performing to further manage it accordingly. The following information can be acquired:

  • A graphical representation of memory consumed by the iPad at the time
  • Total memory capacity of RAM in MBs
  • Type and capacity of RAM used by the iPad
  • Static memory used by a particular application
  • Ratio of memory that is at the time Active / Inactive
  • Total memory in MBs that is still free to be used
  • Number of page ins and outs from the memory


The tab on this iPad app dedicatedly represents detailed information regarding the network related connections. The information also specifies the percentage of network in use for download or upload of data.

  • A bytes per second ratio of the network memory used by the device is shown
  • The type of network in use is named
  • The external Internet Protocol address in use
  • The Internal IP address that is being used by the network
  • Netmask used for dividing IP address subnets
  • IP address used for broadcasting
  • Amount of data downloaded using the connected network in GB
  • Data uploading amount in GB using the connected network
  • Downloads and uploads mentioned in bytes made through a cellular network


A look at CPU usage helps determine the capacity owned by the iPad and the number of processes that it is capable of handling simultaneously and on the whole. Here is a look at the information you can get details about in the respective application tab:

  • Current usage of the CPU shown in percentage ratio via graph
  • Name of the CPU
  • Coprocessor (if applicable)
  • Architectural details of the CPU
  • Number of physical cores owned by the CPU
  • Maximum number of logical cores the CPU can own
  • Frequency at which the CPU works in MHz
  • Cache details
  • Bytes sequencing of the digital data – Big / Small Endian


Processes handled by the application show its capacity and the apps running on the background even after being shut down. This information helps determine what could be exhausting the iPad battery or processing capacity. The information type represented is as follows:

  • Total number of processes running at the time
  • List of names of the applications/processes running
  • ID owned by the apps/processes listed
  • Exact Date and Time at which the processes begun operating
  • Priority of memory usage assigned to each application listed


Consumption of the iPad battery is shown in percentage via a battery styled graphical representation. The information exhibited through this tab makes battery usage and management organized for the iPad users. Information listed:

  • Status of the battery at the very moment
  • Overall capacity of the battery in mAh
  • Total voltage of the battery
  • Status of the battery – plugged / unplugged
  • Level that the battery has reached in percentage


This section of application elaborates information regarding the data storage on device. Graphical representation along with numerical representation of the type and quantity of a particular data type storage on device represented. Monitor iPad storage on the basis of following information:

  • Graphical representation of the following:
    • Total available space
    • Free space
    • Used space
  • Media Information of the following:
    • Quantity of audio based media in numbers
    • Quantity of image based media in numbers and size
    • Quantity of audio/visual media in numbers & size


Tell us how you feel about the application and what improvements you wish to see in future via this section of the app. Whether the iPad System Profiler is a great unified platform to monitor your iPad activities or doesn't prove to be much of a help. In both cases, write to us and let us know the same. Choosing the tab will redirect you to a web page with fields to provide:

  • Email Address – In case of contacting back with the user
  • Review – For providing feedbacks regarding the application

Screenshots of iPad System Profiler by SysTools

Frequently Asked Question

Applications / bloatwares running on the background consume not only the memory, CPU usage, but also deplete a lot of battery too. Run the System Profiler app on your iPad and check out the Battery tab to see consumption and usage by each app running on the background to respectively kill them.

I have just got a minimal storage space left on my iPad. Will I still be able to download this app ?

The application barely has a total size of 3.1 MB only. Someone with an iPad having as less as 1 GB of storage space too, can download and run this app to monitor other apps.

You just need to run the app and tap on the Storage tab from the list of tabs featured on the application dashboard. In it you will be able to view the total storage, the free storage space, etc. Check and organize accordingly.

Recently I shared my iPad with a friend of mine. I want to know the type of connections that have been used on it for uploading and downloading data from. Is there a possibility of doing the same?

The application offers a tab namely, Connections. On the tab you can get information about the IP addresses that have been used lately for downloading or uploading data.

The app is a freeware. But are there any hidden charges applicable on it that needs to be paid afterwards?

No, the application is absolutely free of cost for as long as you use it. No hidden charges are applicable on the app.

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