Download & Install the software to recover SQLite file. The software allows for the export corrupt files as other database format.
Press the Add Button. The user will be prompted to browse and choose between a journal file and a sqlite file in a pop-up window.
If you want to scan the database's SQLite, then you need to navigate the files to the program.
The file scanning process has been started.
In the Next pop-up window, the left panel displays the folder's tree structure while the right panel, located under the Tabular bar, shows a preview of the Sqlite file.
The Sqlite Viewer enables you to examine deleted records by displaying deleted data from specific Tables in a separate Deleted Tab.
The Hex tab within the software helps users examine email messages in hex format. The Record bar displays the entire message report. Users can distinguish between Unallocated, Deleted, Active, & Secured data by utilizing different color schemes.
The SQL Editor tab within the software help users to find or analize the file/folder by writing the command.
Select query and Write "select Created, PartitionID, ReaderID, from SysFolder" to recover the data from specific file/folder.
Free Download SQLite Viewer Pro Download Now