
Steps to View Data from SQLite File

Download & Install the software to read data from Sqlite file. The software facilitates preview of Sqlite database along with deleted data.


Launch SysTools Sqlite Viewer from the installed location. To open the software, Go to Start > All Programs > Sqlite Viewer.

Launch SysTools Sqlite Viewer


Now, click on Add File button on menu bar of the software to add and start the analysis process of the Sqlite file.

Add file


Click on Add button. A pop-up window will prompt user to Browse and select the file type: either Sqlite File or Journal File.

select file type


If you want to scan both Sqlite and associated Journal file of a database, then you need to browse and add both files into the software.

file folder


Now choose the Sqlite file option in file type and then Click on Add button to start the scanning process of both SQLite & associated Journal file.

Add Sqlite data files


If you want to view only Journal file data then browse and add only Journal file into the software.

Select Journal


Now select the Journal file option in file type and then click on Add button to start the scanning process of Journal file.

Note: If the Journal file has been created with specific encoding type, then the software allow you to choose one of them encoding options from: UTF_8, UTF_16,UTF_16le, UTF_16be.

Add Journal files

After Scanning Journal file Software will preview the content of Journal file.

Preview Journal file details


Now, In the next pop-up window, left panel shows the tree structure of the folder and right panel under the Tabular bar shows the preview of Sqlite file.

Preview Tables


To analyze the Deleted records, Sqlite Viewer allow you to view deleted data of specific Tables with a separate Deleted Tab.

View Deleted in Tabular form

Note: The Sqlite Viewer supports to view SQLIte database files of Telecommunications Application Software like Skype & Android mobiles, and other Applications like Thunderbird etc.

Analyze Skype Chat, Messages, Contacts with Sqlite Viewer

As the Sqlite Viewer supports and view SQLite database file of mutilple Applications, You can also view the Content of Skype Sqlite database file by adding the file into software.

Add Skype Sqlite DB file

To preview the Contacts detail of Skype database, Just click on Contacts table.

View Contacts details

Similarly by Clicking on Chats Table one can preview the Chat details.

Skype Chats details

Analyze Android SMSs, Emails, Contacts, Downloads etc Details

To view Android Mobile SMSs, Just add the mmssms.db on SQLite database viewer from the destination location.

Add Mobile mmssms.db

Now, Click on SMS Table on the left pane to preview Mobile SMSs details through the software.

Similarly you can view other details by clicking on particular table.

Preview SMSs

Analyze SQLite Database in HEX Format

Important: Sqlite Viewer provides an option to view Tables data in Hex format. Moreover, Software Categorises and highlights the data in four different colors. I.e. Lite Orange, Green, Red & Blue.


Hex tab in the software assists the user to analyze the email messages in hex format. The Record bar shows the complete report of the message.

Software has the fuctionality to show large amount of data file according to page no. and allow navigation between pages with up and down arrows to view specific page detail.

preview in HEX mode


To analyze and categorize the data, software provides color scheme. User can differentiate the Unallocated data, Deleted data, Active data and Secured data by using various color patterns.

categorize in Color scheme


Sqlite Viewer denotes Unallocated Space with Lite Orange color.

In SQLite db file, some pages are not allocate to any table. The software categories this data as “Unallocated Space”. Sometimes deleted record goes to this unallocated space. Sqlite viewer is capable to recover data from unallocated space.

Unallocated Space


The Software denotes Deleted records with Red color shades.

Delete Records


The Active Records with Green color shades represents the Data actually present in database file.

Active Records


Sqlite viewer denotes Secured Deleted records with Blue color shades.

If the records in SQLite database file deleted intentionally and set secured setting on then all data will be vanish and it will be zero out (i.e. set to zero ) in db file . But Sqlite Viewer will identify is there any intentional deletion is happened or not this is helpful in investigation purpose.

Secure records

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