Platform Independent Tool to Generate Complete MS Outlook PST File Report
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The software allows you to scan and produce a complete report of the PST file. It will create a separate tab to show the details about attachments, Top sender, Top recipient, Year Wise, and folder wise activity. You can view the complete information of each item in these tabs like; Item count, size of folder, attachments count, type of attachment, etc.
After scanning the PST file, software shows an overall statistics of each item. It will show the item count of each Outlook folder. Also, an overall usage overview in graphical form is provided. And the actual space usage by different items is shown.
In the attachments tab, you can see the complete details of all the attachments present within a PST file. Details displayed include; Attachments type, counts of each attachment and the size of file in KB. Software will list and show all type of attachments present within the PST file emails.
This Tab provides you a complete list of all senders including the sender's email address, the count of messages sent by them, and the total size of messages in MB, arranged according to message frequency. To filter the most contacted sender, this feature might come handy.
Featuring along with Top sender details, the software also provides you a complete list of the top recipient's details. Emails are arranged with proper address information, count of mails and overall size in MB in Top Recipients tab.
The year wise tab will show you the complete activities carried out within a PST file in each year. It will list the year, the items count and the size of data. In this way, you can easily track the complete activity in each year.
To view the number of items saved in each item folder of the PST file, go to Folder wise tab. Here you can view the name of folder, folder path, number of items present in each folder, the total size in MB and the attachments count if there is any. Thus, if you want to check the data of each folder, the PST reporter will give you the complete information.
This free application to generate PST report is capable of reading both; ANSI and Unicode PST files. And it also allows the user to get details generated within seconds once PST file is loaded and scanned. Also, it allows you to scan and report corrupt or damaged PST file. Thus, you do not need to repair PST file separately to use the tool.
Once the software generates a complete report of the PST file usage and information; you can then export the report at your end. All the details listed in each tab will get exported in CSV format file that you can save for future reference purpose.
System Specifications
Hard Disk Space
Minimum 5 MB of free hard disk space
512 MB of RAM (1 GB is recommended)
1 GHz processor (2.4 GHz is recommended)
Question: Is Your Anti-Virus Blocking the Software Export Process?
Solution: Please Disable Anti-Virus Temporarily Allow access(Whitelist) from Anti-Virus Setting for proper working of the software.
Question: Unable to Create Output in Destination?
Solution: Please avoid source from NAS, SAN, Network or Shared Drive.
Source file should be on migration machine to perform successful migration.
Frequently Asked Question
Frequently asked questions listed and their answers.
Outlook PST Reporter is the best solution for this purpose. It shows the total item count for emails, contacts, calendars and other categories.
Software will not add multiple numbers of PST files in bulk. But you can add any number of PST files one by one.
No, software does not require Outlook environment necessarily. You can use this tool even without Outlook installation.
Yes, software counts all items of a PST file such as emails, attachments, contacts, calendars, tasks, notes and journals. Also, a graphical representation is generated of the space utilized by each item in a PST file.
Yes, Outlook PST Reporter can be installed and used conveniently on Windows 8 and all below versions without having any performance issues.
Software does not have any size limitation for PST files. It can process both; ANSI as well as UNICODE formatted PST files successfully.
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