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Working Process to Find PST Files in Network

Essential steps to find Outlook PST files configured under Exchange Domain or in workgroup by using tool to search PST files. Follow these steps and find Outlook data effectively.


Go to Start menu » Programs » SysTools Outlook PST Finder. You will see the following screen:
First screen will show the machine on which it is running, as PST Finder have the ability to find PST files from local machine.

ost locator


You can select one machine to find PST files from it, fill the credential as user name password, with search options as- All drives or specific drives, Click OK

Fill Domain Credential


This Screen will show the searching progress to find PST file from selected machine:

Searching Process


Successfully find PST file from the selected machine click “OK” to exit.

Complete Searching of PST files


Click on "Export As CSV" to provide destination location path, where user can Export and save CSV File.

Export as CSV


Choose specific location where you can export PST details on CSV format.



Now CSV Report saved Successfully.

CSV Report Saved


Now You can View Saved CSV Report.

View CSV Report


Copy & Save Outlook PST Files from Machine under a Network Domain.

Copy PST Files


PST Finder can "Copy" and Save Searched PST Files at any safe location.


Queries & Tips to Find Outlook PST File

To find all PST files on your computer, follow the given steps:

  • Run SysTools PST Finder
  • Click on Find
  • Select your machine
  • Provide its credentials
  • Select 'All Drives' option

When you select the Search Option as All Drives, the software will find PST files in all of the partitions available on your computer. Thus, PST files located in any of them will get listed and you can also further copy them.

The software doesn’t require Outlook installation to find Outlook PST file Windows 7 or any other version, higher or lower.

Yes, you can find PST files network if they are located on the machines listed in either a Work Group or a network domain. Domain credentials of the machines must be known to find PST files from them and further copy them to a location of your choice.

"I have to find Outlook Data file from Exchange 2010 machines. Can I find and copy them to my machine without having administrative rights?"

No, it is not possible to find all PST files on network without having administrative rights. The software has particular pre-requirements to be able to run smoothly. And having Exchange Server administrative rights and credentials of the machines from which you will be finding PST files, is a must.

"There are multiple number of machines on the network domain. I wanted to select them all at once and copy the PST files located on them, in my PC. Is doing so possible with SysTools PST Finder?"

You can find all the machines listed under a network domain at once. But you can only save PST files from one machine at a time and not from multiple machines. The software requires you to provide login credentials of the selected machine and choose a particular drive to find PST files from. Thus, you cannot copy PST files from multiple machines.

"Is it possible to find PST files from Windows 8 or 8.1 machines? Will this software be of any help?"

You can find PST files from Windows 8 as well as 8.1 machines under a network domain or Workgroup, by using the SysTools PST Finder application. The application works successfully with a Windows based machine, regardless of its version. The tool supports 8.1 and all below version of Windows. So, you will be able to know how to find PST files in Windows 7 or find Outlook PST file Windows XP with the same tool.

"I was curious to know whether the software has any conditions to run properly. And if it does, what are they?"

The software has a very basic set of requirements to run properly on your machine, and they are:

  1. It will run on a Windows based machine only
  2. The machines from must be under the same domain
  3. To find PST from Exchange Domain, Exchange Server must be available
  4. Domain credentials of the machines must be known


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