olm to pst converter

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SysTools OLM to PST Converter

Ultimate tool to convert OLM File to PST format on Mac & Windows OS. SysTools converter for OLM to PST allows a user to convert items from OLM to PST file format including emails, contacts, calendar, attachments, notes, journals, etc., in one go.

  • Convert OLM to PST, MBOX, PDF, EML, MSG, HTML, CSV, vCard File Format
  • Migrate Emails, Calendars, Contacts & Tasks from OLM File to Office 365 Account
  • Efficiently Generates an Instant Preview of All Emails and Attachments
  • Pro Software to Convert OLM Archive Mail Folder to PST File Format
  • Provides An Option to Split The Resultant PST File to The Required File Size
  • Folder Hierarchy and Meta-Data are Well-Preserved During Conversion
  • Effective Tool to Convert OLM to PST Along with Emails & Attachments
  • Option to Apply Different Naming Patterns to Save Exported PST File
  • Does not Impose File Size Restriction while Converting OLM Files to PST Format
  • Not Requires Outlook Installation to Convert Data Items from OLM to PST
  • Download OLM to PST Converter Pro and Install on Any Windows OS Versions
  • Free Live Demo: – SysTools OLM to PST Converter Fully Secured Download Version
  • This page is dedicated for OLM to PST converter for Windows OS. Mac OS user's can visit Mac OLM converter page to know all features.

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SysTools OLM to PST Converter - Reviews & Ratings

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OLM to PST Converter Tool - Features

Bulk Export Mac Outlook OLM Files to PST Format With Attachments

view attachments

Preview OLM File Data Items With Attachments

This OLM to PST converter is a ultimate software that can instantly generate a preview of Mac OLM data items. Once the OLM file is uploaded in the software interface during the conversion process, the OLM files can be read precisely and sophisticatedly.

  • Capable to provide an instant preview of the Mac Outlook OLM files along with the attachments. By this, users can seamlessly view the content, which can be selectively exported to the destination file format.
  • One can also preview the contact mailbox item along with the details such as name, nick name, birth date, spouse, anniversary and much more.
  • Besides previewing emails and contacts, a user can also efficiently preview the various activities and meetings in the calendar data item.
  • This is a ultimate software for exporting OLM to PST format. It also provides the preview of tasks, which includes various details based on the priority of the tasks, status and other reminder details.
  • Under Notes mailbox item, it provides a quick preview of the data, if in case the user might have stored some data in the Notes data item.

export selected data

Export Selective Data Items from OLM to PST

This OLM to PST conversion software is 100% safe and secure that can be easily downloaded on the latest Windows 11 OS and all the prior versions. Another highlighted feature of this impressive software is the ability to convert selective mailbox items from OLM to PST file format. Moreover, it renders a simplified interface that makes easy for the naive users to opt for this tool.

  • Often times, users come up with the requirement to export selective emails instead of converting the entire emails. Under such instance, this software is the best option that it allows to convert the desired emails from OLM to Outlook PST format
  • For users who need to export only the contacts data item can avail this versatile tool that makes easy to fulfill the demands within a few clicks
  • Apart from converting selective emails and contacts data items, this OLM to PST converter tool also provides the option to export other mailbox items i.e., calendars, tasks, notes, etc.

What All Data Items Can be Converted from OLM to PST File Format?

Email Messages With the help of this pro converter tool for OLM to PST file, one can smoothly perform the conversion process. In which, all the data that belongs to the email message is converted and retained precisely. This includes inline images, links, signature, etc. Furthermore, a user can also apply date filters to export the emails selectively by specifying the date range in the given fields.
Attachments Swiftly export the attachments that are associated with the email message i.e., any documents or files can be successfully converted to the destined format.

Supported Attachment Types:

  • Business Cards (in VCF),
  • Calendars
  • Outlook Item
  • Signature
Folders All the folders from the Mac OLM data items will be migrated such as Inbox, Drafts, Deleted Items, Junk Email, Sent Items, Search Folders, RSS Feeds, Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, Notes, etc.

Note: It will recreate the original folder structure.

Date Range Filters Apply date-based filter to export selective email messages to the destination format.
Priority & Category The best OLM to PST converter tool ensures to maintain the priority status and category after undergoing the file conversion process.
Calendar Data One can successfully convert the calendar data, provided when all the calendar details are specified to it that can be subject, location, start time, end time. Thus, all the calendar appointments, meeting requests, recurring appointments, etc will be easily converted.
Calendar Attachments All the attachments of the calendar data items will be seamlessly exported such as files, business cards in VCF format, Outlook item and signature.
Calendar Types
  • Events
  • Appointment Slots
  • Meetings
  • Tasks
Reminders This OLM to PST converter software is designed in such a way that one can instantly convert the appointment reminder settings also. This is one of the added feature of this remarkable tool.
Contacts All the contacts data will be exported to preferred file format. We have also included special formats for contacts. Thus enabling you to save OLM contacts in CSV or VCF format. The different details of the contacts such as name, birth date, nick name, spouse name, etc will be seen in the resultant converted file.
  • Nick Name
  • Spouse Name
  • Birth Date
Phone Number No matter, what contact number you have added i.e., primary, home, business number. All these phone numbers will also be migrated.
  • Primary Number
  • Home Number
  • Business Number
Address OLM to PST converter can efficiently export all the address listed in the contacts information including home, business and other address.
  • Home Address
  • Business Address
  • Other Address
Tasks This ultimate converter tool for OLM to PST offers impeccable features to the end users that easily allows to migrate even the task data items with Subject, Start Date, Status, Due Date, Priority, Reminder, Owner Info.
  • Subject
  • Start Date
  • Status
  • Due Date
  • Priority
  • Reminder
  • Owner Info
Tasks File Attachments Besides migrating the tasks with these specifications. It also allows to export attachments that can be any files or documents to the output file format.
Reminder All the tasks, in which the user has set a reminder will also be imported.
Notes While considering the Notes data item that belongs to a Mac OLM file, this OLM to PST converter tool works effectively to export the content from the Notes mailbox item to the resultant file format.
Profile Folder When we exporting the Mac Outlook mailbox into OLM file. Then it contains data of the all email profile configured into Mac Outlook. There is always a worry, which is seen among users in maintaining the folder structure intact. With the help of this best converter tool, now bid farewell to all your worries. This is because the software maintains the proper folder hierarchy of each profile to distinguish from each other. In addition to that, all the folders and sub-folders that belong to the original data is also kept intact without any interruptions in the folder hierarchy. Also, it does not pose any data loss issue after the OLM to PST conversion process.

OLM to PST Converter Tool - Prominent Features

Easily Export Mac Outlook OLM Files to PST File Format without Any Limitation

free convert olm file to pst

Convert OLM to PST File Formats

Besides converting OLM to PST format, this pro software also allows a user to export into multiple file formats such as PDF, EML, HTML, MBOX, CSV, vCard, and MSG. While converting OLM files to PST format, the utility generates a Unicode PST file, which is the file type that is supported by Microsoft Outlook 2003 and all the above versions.

Batch Transfer

Bulk Convert OLM to PST

With the help of this ultimate converter tool, users can export bulk OLM files to the required file format. One only needs to add OLM file one by one into the tool and convert them all at once. This ensures that the user only needs to invest the least time. Hence, this approach of batch convert OLM files to PST helps a user to process the need in just a few simple clicks.

export OLM attachments

Export OLM Files With Attachments

No matter what the file format of the attachment is, this Mac OLM to PST converter can seamlessly perform the conversion. The attachment can be an image, document, media files and so on. The best part of this converter tool for OLM to PST is that it is capable enough to maintain all these attachments in the original format and also they are embedded with the resultant files.

file naming convention

Multiple Naming Convention Patterns

While converting OLM files to PST file format, this amazing tool renders the functionality to apply different naming patterns to the resultant converted file. Based upon the choice of the user, one can avail any of the patterns from the available list of options. Moreover, the software features naming patterns as email subject, date, MD5 and so on.

Export Selective Item

Export Selective Item without Limitation

The software supports to convert selective emails from OLM to PST format and other file formats. This feature makes it convenient to perform a desired data conversion only using the checkboxes provided against each folder/item. Check this option by using free OLM to PST converter demo version on any Windows OS.

Save Scanning Result Mac

Save OLM File Scanning Result

After scanning OLM file, the OLM to PST converter software provides an option to save scanned copy of the file. This copy can be used in future to avoid rescanning the entire file all over again which could be time consuming.

Single Panel Interface

Easy to Use Single Panel Interface

Mac OLM to PST converter tool is provided with single panel interface to convert OLM to PST file format. The User Interface of the tool resembles the interface of Microsoft Outlook which makes it easier for users to operate it without assistance.

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Does Not Support Mac OS

Any Mac machine cannot run or install OLM to PST converter software. The software is compatible with all versions of Windows, including Windows 11. We have a separate tool for Mac OS users, which you can find on Mac OLM converter. You can test all features by downloading OLM to PST converter pro.

export large size OLM to PST

Option to Browse Extracted Folder

SysTools has launched a new version of their OLM to PST converter tool. This version includes a new feature that allows users to scan and convert large OLM files in less time. To use this feature, the user must first rename the .olm file to a .zip file. After that, use WinZip to extract it. Then, launch the software, click on Add File, select the Browse Extracted Folder radio button, and browse to the extracted folder. It will help in converting large size OLM file to PST format quickly.

corrupt olm to pst

Advanced Scan Option for File Browse

SysTools converter for OLM to PST now offers an Advanced Scan option. To use this mode, the user must select the Browse OLM File mode. Using Advanced Scan, users can scan corrupted OLM files. Additionally, if data is missing after a normal scan, users can use Advanced Scan to retrieve the lost data. The Advanced Scan option will take more time to scan the OLM file and convert it to PST format.

Download OLM to PST Converter Software – Specifications

Check Hardware and Software Requirements to Install This Converter Tool for OLM to PST

best software

(Windows OS)

Name: SysTools OLM to PST Converter
Version: 9.2
Size: 39.1 MB
Updated On:   January, 2024
MD5: 3dfe1cb6c62b38a70a99b2e343d63503
Free Version: Download Now

(Mac OS)

SysTools Mac OLM to PST Converter
75.6 MB
Feb., 2024
Download Now

Trial Limitations:

Free OLM to PST converter demo version can export & Save only 25 items from OLM file to PST format and other file formats.

Free demo of Mac OLM to PST converter pro will only convert 100 emails & 25 category items per OLM File. Buy full version to avoid this limitation.
(Windows) (Mac)
Hard Disk Space: 100 MB of free hard disk space required 100 MB of free hard disk space required
RAM: 4 GB of RAM (4 GB is recommended) 4 GB of RAM (4 GB is recommended)
Processor: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo CPU E4600 @ 2.40GHz 2.39GHz Mac Computer with Intel Processor
Mac Computer with Apple Silicon (Apple M1)


 Windows 11 (64 bit), 10, 8, 7 (32 bit or 64 bit) & Windows Server 2019, 2016, 2012 R2, 2008 Compatible with Microsoft Outlook 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021 (32/64 bit)

MacOS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion), MacOS X 10.9(Mavericks), MacOS X 10.10 (Yosemite), MacOS X 10.11 (El Capitan), MacOS X 10.12 (Sierra), MacOS X 10.13 (High Sierra), MacOS X 10.14 (Mojave), MacOS X 10.15 (Catalina), MacOS X 11.0 (Big Sur), MacOS X 12.0 (Monterey), MacOS X 13.0 (Ventura), MacOS X 14.0 (Sonoma)

Application Pre-Requisites:


  • If you are using Windows 11, 10, 8, 7 (32 bit or 64 bit) & Windows Server 2019, 2016, 2012 R2, 2008, then please launch the tool as "Run as Administrator".
  • Microsoft .NET framework 4.5 or above should be installed.



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Buy OLM to PST Converter Software

Get an Overview of OLM to PST Converter Features – Free and Full Version

Features Free Version Full Version
Add OLM Files in Software Panel
Support MS Outlook (2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007 & So on)
Preview OLM File Emails with Attachment
Windows 11, 10, 8, 7 (32 bit or 64 bit) & Windows Server 2019, 2016, 2012 R2, 2008
Split Output PST File by Size
Convert OLM to PST and Other Formats 25 Emails/Folder All Items
Cost FREE $39

Common Questions Asked by User

Convert Mac Outlook OLM Files to PST With Attachments Easily

How to convert OLM to PST format using this application?

steps to convert olm to pst

Follow Steps to Convert OLM to PST Format Using SysTools Ultimate Tool:

  • Step-1: Download OLM to PST Converter and launch on Mac & Win OS
  • Step-2: Browse OLM mailbox into software panel using Add File / Folder
  • Step-3: Preview all OLM items such as emails, contacts, calendars, etc.
  • Step-4: Select 'PST' as export option and set the location path.
  • Step-5: Click on 'Export' to convert OLM to PST format with all data

There is no limitation imposed on the file size. This software can easily export Mac OLM data file to PST of any given size without inconvenience caused.

No, the software will not move corrupted OLM files. For the proper functioning of the software, the file should be in a healthy state.
Yes, the software will convert attachments from OLM file to PST and embed them into emails of the resultant files in their native format.
The converter creates a Unicode type PST file which means that there will not be a file size related issue. However, if required, this output PST file can be split in multiple parts by size (in GB) to avail manageability.
Yes, the OLM to PST converter software will maintain the folder hierarchy and Meta data will be preserved during conversion.
No, To export OLM file to PST, You need to perform the conversion on Windows because the software is completely Windows based. But you can use our Mac based software on any Mac OS X.
This is the most common error faced by Mac user after upgrading to version 2016 of Mac Outlook. It can be easily fixed out with manual tricks such as:
  • Try to download the latest update from the official website of Microsoft
  • You can also download the attachments via office 365 if Mac Outlook sync with Office 365
  • Empty the cache of Mac Outlook which may be the possible reason of Mac Outlook 2016 not downloading attachments.
The time machine is the inbuilt utility provided by Mac which constantly creates the backup of all files on Mac OS. Using this backup, one can easily restore Outlook 2016 data from time machine backup
There are so many reasons due to which Outlook for mac user unable to connect with exchange server. Some of them are listed below:
  • Mac Outlook is in offline state
  • Unable to establish active connection with server which executing exchanger server
  • Firewall or anti-virus application interrupt the processing
  • User do not have privilege to send or receive mail
To know more read: How to troubleshoot Mac Outlook not sync with exchange server?
It is one of the primary problem of Outlook for mac user. This error generally occurs due to corruption in the keychain management system of Mac operating system. As a result of Mac Outlook unable to identify the original credentials. To resolve this error read: How to Fix Mac Outlook Keeps asking for password?
There are some authentic reasons due to which Mac Outlook unable to send or receive emails. Some of them are listed below:
  • Outlook for mac is in offline mode
  • Unable to establish connection with exchanger server
  • Authentication required is enable while configuring profile
  • Improper account configuration also result in the authentication error
To resolve the error read this article: How to Troubleshoot Outlook for Mac not sending or receiving emails?
If software fails, user can connect to our support team. Experts are available 24X7 via Live Chat, Email, and Telephonic medium at any time.
SysTools provides free demo version to test the software working and compatibility. It restrict user's exporting only 25 items from OLM to PST file format. However, the full version can convert entire data without any limitation.
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