SysTools Migrator for Office 365 to G Suite Migration

tool for office 365 migration to g suite






Securely move data from Office 365 to G Suite platform with a feature-rich software that has a high success rate. Migrate unlimited O365 cloud data – Email, Contacts, Calendars, Documents to G Suite with this leading and simplified solution.

(Average Rating 4.8 Based on 1600 Reviews)
  • Migrate Office 365 Mailbox - Emails, Calendars, Contacts, Documents
  • Transfer User Mailbox Data in O365 to G Suite Account
  • Move Multiple Office 365 Mailboxes to Google Workspace in Single Attempt
  • Selective Data Migration Through Multiple Filter Options
  • Priority Feature for Early Migration of Specific User Accounts
  • Multiple Options to Add Users i.e. Fetch Users or Import Users
  • Enable / Disable Migrate Document Permissions / User Group Mapping
  • Concurrent Migration to Transfer Multiple User Mailboxes Simultaneously
  • Transfer Newly Arrived or Modified Data Through Delta Migration
  • Office 365 to Google Workspace Migrator Shows Real Time Progress Status of Task
  • Generates the Summary & Detailed Report of Imported Items
  • Compatible with Windows 10 (64-bit) & Windows Server 2012 / 2016

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SysTools Migration Services

An End to End Office 365 to G Suite Migration Solution

All-in-One Comprehensive Cloud Migration Solution

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Entire Office 365 to Google Workspace Migration in Small Time Frame

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What Does It Migrate?

Using this software, an administrator can complete the data transfer from Office 365 to G Suite in a shortest possible time along with all data folders of Office 365 account. It includes migration of the following items from source Office 365 accounts:-

  • EmailsEmails of any size along with associated attachment from all mail folders can migrate by tool into designated G Suite account. Plus, the folder hierarchy and all the important mail attributes – Subject, Single or Multiple To / CC / BCC are kept intact after the process.
  • DocumentsMigrate documents from Office 365 to Google Workspace, along with Folder & File permission from Source O365 user accounts while maintaining the folder structure same.
  • ContactsThe contacts migrate from O365 to G Suite by the tool includes one or more Email addresses, Business, Home, and Mobile number, IM address, Company name, First name, Last name, Job title, Image and much more fields in the targeted accounts.
  • CalendarsWithout any hassle, move Office 365 Calendar to G Suite account. Along with this, all the details including Folder Colour, Reminders, Location, Attendees status, All day event remains unchanged after the migration task.

Note:- Special character and the Foreign language in Calendar entries are supported by the software.

migrate Office 365 mailbox data to G Suite

3 Different Modes for Re-Run Migration Process

Smooth Office 365 to G Suite Migration With Different Approaches

re-run migration options

The software aims to complete the whole data transfer from Office 365 to G Suite in a short time. It gives 3 modes for re-run migration these are:

  1. Retry Failed Items: This mode will migrate all those items which are failed to get migrated in the initial run.
  2. Re-Run Full Migration: This mode will re-run all the categories that may have skipped during the initial run.
  3. Delta Migration: After the completion of the migration process, this mode will migrate newly or modified data from O365 to G Suite.

Different Options to Add Users

options to add users

  • The software gives three options to add users these are as follows:

Why Users Trust SysTools for Office 365 to G Suite Migration?

Recognized By Gartner

Secure Authorization with Office 365 via OAuth 2.0


Comprehensive Reports

ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2013 certified

24x7 Support

Magnificent Features of Office 365 to G Suite Migration Tool

Perfect Tool for Office 365 to Google Workspace Migration With Emails, Documents, Calendar, and Contact Data

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O365 to G Suite Platform Migration

O365 to G Suite Platform Migration

Software has potential to perform complete migration from one cloud platform to different cloud email platform in minimum span of time. It export all important data from Office 365 suite such as Emails, Attachment, Contacts, Calendar Entries to any G Suite plan without compromising the data quality. Along with this, it provides Mapping facility to efficiently map Source user address with Google Workspace.

Import Data

Import the Data That You Want

With the Date Filter feature, the user can filter out the particular user mailbox data items and transfer from Office 365 to G Suite. It is applicable on all Office 365 data items – Mails, Documents, Contacts, Calendars. This feature allows users to enter a date range that will examine by the tool and involve only those items that processed in between the mentioned time line. Besides this, user is independent to either migrate data of all the data folders or selective one.

Streamline User Interface

Streamline User Interface

The Office 365 to G Suite Migrator has an extreme interface which is very much flexible and self-explanatory. It is designed in such a manner that it offers a positive data migration experience for naive and professional users. Thus multiple users account can be migrate from O365 to G Suite with this self-guided interface.

Transfer Unlimited O365 Users Data

Transfer Unlimited O365 Users Data

Administrator is free to move any number of users into the targeted Google Workspace account. There is no constraint apply to the users number. With the Office 365 to G Suite migration tool, users can migrate single or multiple users mailbox data into G Suite account without altering the data quality.

Priority option

Option to Select User & Priority

The software shows each Source Email Id and its corresponding Destination Email ID on the Users dashboard. Here, you can select a desired number of users for the migration from all the mentioned Source Email ID. Apart from this, Office 365 to Google Workspace migration utility provides the option of set User Priority. It allows the users to select the users’ ID whose data going to be transfer in G Suite first.

Preserve Folder Structure

Preserve Folder Structure

Software is built with various robust features and maintaining the folder hierarchy is one of them. No matter which O365 data folder (Mails, Contacts, Documents, Calendars) administrator will migrate, the folder structure remains unchanged after data transfer from Office 365 to G Suite. User will get the same nested folders and data at designated location.

Generate download report

Provides Download Report Option

After completing the migration from Office 365 to G Suite users can click the Download Report button. With this, they can download the reports in 2 formats:

  • Summary Report: It is in CSV file format containing the migration report of all the selected users for Office 365 to G Suite Migration.
  • Detailed Report: The detailed report will be generated for each individual user, containing the details of the category & the items migrated during the process.

migrate O365 to G Suite

Advance Settings

SysTools Migrator offers the most effective way to transmit data from one email system to another one by providing the Concurrent Migration Approach. Also, in the Settings tab it provides two ways to fine tune the migration process:

Enable Multiple Accounts: Enabling this option will add multiple migration projects in source & destination screen. It is used to migrate multiple users account concurrently.
Concurrent Users: It is the another important feature of the software to move data from Office 365 to G Suite is that it enables users to set the maximum number of users that will be migrated concurrently per project.

Real Time Migration Status

Real-Time Migration Status & View

Office 365 to G Suite Migration Tool provides the status of an on-going import procedure on its dashboard. Here, you can track the status of the migrated item at three different stages – Pending, Processing, Completed. Also, the software 2 options to view mailbox data i.e. List View & Tile View.


Validate Options

This option validates the users that are selected for the O365 to G Suite migration. Validation includes these checks:

  • The provided email addresses are valid
  • Accounts having access to the selected Workload i.e. Category

Also, it is mandatory that all users must be valid & should have all necessary permissions allotted to them before starting the data migration from Office 365 to G Suite.

Office 365 to Google Workspace Migration Tool Specifications

Trail Edition of the Tool to Migrate or Move Office 365 user mailbox data into G Suite platform

Download for Windows

Download Now
100% Safe & Secure

Size : 231 MB

Version : 7.0.0

MD5 : 1d097ab750ffe1e9b2bdd5684abee8a9

Download for Linux

linux logo Download Now
100% Safe & Secure

Size : 88.4 MB

Version : 5.5.0

MD5 : 121def6d992374101c96103b4ca5df4a

Trial Limitations

The demo version of Office 365 to G Suite Migration Tool will export complete data (Mails, Contacts, Calendar & Contacts) from two user account only.

System Specifications

Hard Disk Space
Around 500 MB for installation & tool requires at least 20GB of free space to store data

Minimum 8 GB of RAM is recommended

Minimum 8 core Processor


  • Minimum Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8.0
  • Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Latest (Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022) Should Be Installed. Download
  • Destination User(s) should be already created at G Suite destination Admin account.
  • 11

      Pre-requisites for Office 365 as source

  • Create Console Project in Office 365. Azure Cloud Console Project Creation Steps
  • Admin account must have Office 365 license assigned, you must be able to access OWA for admin.
  • Make sure to enter Application ID.

      Pre-requisites for G Suite as destination

  • Create Google Console Project & Add Scope to validate the G Suite admin account. Create Google Console Project
  • Enter Service Account Client ID & P12 Key path of Google Console Project.

Supported Editions

For Windows: Windows 2012 / 2016 Server, Windows 10, 11 (64-bit)

For Linux: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Architecture: x86-64



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Software Customization

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Get an Overview of Office 365 to Google Workspace Migration Tool – Demo & Licensed Version
Features DEMO Version FULL Version
Migrate from Office 365 to G Suite
Fetch User Accounts
Date Filter for Mail, Document, Calendar, Contacts
Generate Summary & Detailed Report
Available for both Windows / Linux
User Priority Based Migration
Delta Migration Support
Unlimited Mailbox Data Migration Migrate 2 User Account
Cost Free $25
(5 User)

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Try Before You Buy

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  • No Restrictions on File Size During Migration
  • Trusted by Millions of Users Worldwide
  • First Choice of MVPs and Administrators
  • 100% Safe & Reliable Tool to Use

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Queries Related to Office 365 to G Suite Migration Tool
Users Query Related to Export, Transfer mailbox Data from Office 365 to Google Workspace Account
How do I import mails from Office 365 account to new Google Workspace account?

You must have admin credentials of both O365 and destination G Suite account to perform the same.

5 Simple Steps to migrate O365 to Google Workspace:

  • Step 1: Download & Run SysTools Office 365 to G Suite Migration Tool.
  • Step 2: Select Mailbox Items and Apply Date Filter.
  • Step 3: Add Office 365 admin credential & click on Validate.
  • Step 4: Enter G Suite admin credential & click Validate.
  • Step 5: Click the Start Migration button to begin platform migration.

Yes, the software has a Categories option where user can easily opt for any folder – Mails, Calendars, Contacts, Documents. By default, all the options are selected. It also help you to effortlessly migrate G Suite to Office 365 account.

No, the software always keeps Email format, body structure, metadata attributes (To, CC, BCC) in the original way in G Suite account as same as available in Office 365 account.
Yes, this Migration tool follows the delta migration approach. Through which only the newly arrived data will transfer from Office 365 to G Suite account during the same O365 user’s mailbox migration.
Using Office 365 to Google Workspace migration utility, users can easily migrate document permissions from Source email id to destination account. To do this, enable Migrate Document Permissions option.
Yes, the software has integrated Date Filter option. It works is to add a date scope and exclusively migrate the data that comes in between the provided date range.
Yes, you can, through the Retry failed option you can retry the failed or interrupted migration process. So that there is no need to repeat the complete migration procedure.
No, the tool offers Delta migration feature it will avoid the duplicate of mailbox data while repeating the migration from Office 365 to G Suite.
After complete the Office 365 to G Suite Migration you will get a summary report of data transfer. In which it will specifically mention the data which are success and failed during the migration process.
To perform the data migration from Office 365 to G Suite use this O365 to G Suite Migrator tool. By using this software move emails, contacts, documents and calendar to G Suite.
To migrate or add calendars from Office 365 to Google calendar use this tool. Along with this, you can also migrate other data.
Users Reviews to Office 365 to G Suite Migration Tool
What Our Client Says After migrating user mailbox from Office 365 to Google Workspace platforms