Extract Email Attachments from Multiple MBOX/MBS/MBX Files Using this Amazing Utility
First Click on the Start » All Programs » SysTools MBOX Attachment Extractor » and launch the tool, the initial screen of the software will appears to you as:
Provided with 2 Options for selecting files and folders.
Now, click on the"Add Files" or "Add Folder" to add MBOX (with and without extension) and MBS files on the software pane.
Select the required files and click on Open button.
If you want to add MBX Files, click on the MBX tab and then select Add File/ Add Folder button.
Once the files is imported to the software pane you will able to view all your files in software preview window.
By clicking on the Search button you can search MBOX files from your system.
If you have selected the wrong MBOX files, then click on the Remove or Remove All to remove the files.
Select Attachment Hierarchy Filters Options
Wait till all the folder of MBOX files to be load and when it loaded you will able to see all the folders.
Select the Destination Location
Select the folder and click on the "Change" button to choose the destination location to save attachments, then click on the Next button.
Apply Multiple Advance Filter Options From Filter Window
Under filter option choose Date filter to extract attachments from specific date-range
After Date Filter you can also choose File Size to define the file size of attachment and you and choose File Type option to define the specific file format attachments.
If you want to extract attachments with specific name, then you can choose Naming Convention for Attachment option
Successful Attachment Extraction
After all the settings, click on the"Extract" button to start the extraction process of email attachments from MBOX files.
After Successful Extraction
Once the extraction process of attachment done click on the OK button.
Progress Summary
Under progress summary you can able to see all progress report like Number of File(s) Done, Number of File(s) Pending, and Destination Path.
Free Download MBOX Attachment Extractor Download Now