Get a detailed step by step guide to use SysTools MailPro+ and Preview, Search and Export Emails of multiple email platforms.
For Lotus Notes
When you install the software on your system, you will get this pop-up window. Click on the OK button to proceed.
Here you need to enter the Username as (Device_name\username) and system password in the password field.
You can find the Device Name by right-click on This PC >> click on Properties. (Under Device specifications section)
If you need any help regarding this tool, you can click on the 3-dots and click on any of the available options.
You need to activate this tool to create a case in it. Click on the Activate button for the same.
Enter the activate code that you received on your registered email ID and click on the Apply button.
Once activated, you will see the following screen where you need to create a new case. Click on the Create Case button.
The default Case Data Directory storage path is - C:\ProgramData\SysTools MailXaminer\WorkSpace\data.
You can change the storage path before creating a case. Once the case is created, you cannot change the Case Data Directory path.
Click on the Settings icon from the left panel to change the path.
Now, enter the Case Title, Description, and Investigator in the available fields and click on the Save button.
The newly created case will appear in the Cases window. Click on the Case Title to proceed further.
You will now come to the Dashboard screen where you need to add new evidence to proceed with the email investigation process.
Here you will get a list of email platforms from which you can choose the evidence file you want to add.
Once you have selected the Evidence type that you want to examine, now comes the Settings screen where you can choose the Settings as per your requirement.
After applying all the required settings, click on the Next button to proceed.
Now comes the window where you can add evidence file(s) in the software. Click on the Add File button.
Browse the evidence file stored in your system.
You can add multiple evidence files in the software. You can also remove the evidence file by clicking on the Bin icon.
The software will now start the scan process on the evidence files. You can see the scan status under the Pending, Processing, and Completed tab.
Once the scan is completed, you can find the evidence under the Completed tab.
Now, go to the Search tab to preview email messages stored in the evidence file.
You can switch to the Calendar tab to preview Calendar items stored in the evidence file.
If there are any deleted items in the evidence file, then the software will recover those deleted items and display them in red colour.
Click on the Show Custodian Panel button to expand the Custodian Panel.
Here you have the option to either examine emails of both evidence files together or choose specific evidence files for one-by-one analysis.
After expanding the Custodian Panel, you will see multiple filters tab to choose from.
Under the Keywords tab, you can add keywords specific to your case to list the emails containing those keywords.
You can add keywords either by manually entering each keyword or import a CSV file containing list of keywords.
There is also a Media filter that filters the emails on the basis of certain Media file categories.
Click on the Filter icon to apply advanced filters available in the software.
MailPro+ offers multiple filters like:
Click on the ‘+’ icon to apply condition and use this filter.
The ‘Add Group’ option will add multiple groups of AND/OR filters to add more conditions and make the searches more specific.
The ‘Add Condition’ option will help you apply a specific condition to filter emails accordingly.
The ‘Apply Negation to Group’ will apply a NOT operator to the search criteria.
Keywords Filter: You can add keywords into the software either one by one or using a CSV file.
You can also perform Searches in the software to find out particular evidence. The types of searches are:
Under the preview window, if you want to add more parameters, click on the Search Instance Setting button.
Here, you can check / uncheck the options that you want to preview and examine.
Now comes the dashboard screen where you can further explore more analysis based features of the software.
Click on the 4-squares button available on the top-right corner to show the available options.
Upon selecting all widgets, you will get a complete overview of the case as shown below:
Now, to export the desired items after email examination, you can either select a couple of items or choose an entire folder for export. Here, we have selected a few emails for export process.
Now comes the Export Settings window where you can customize the export results as per your requirement.
In case of PDF as the export option, you will get three tabs i.e. Export Settings, PDF Settings, and Naming Convention.
Under PDF Settings tab, you will get 4 options i.e. Page Layout, Properties, Attachment, and Bates Number.
Page Layout: You can make changes to how you want the page orientation to be.
Properties: Under Properties tab, you can choose the PDF properties that you want to include while exporting data into PDF format.
Attachment: There are certain customizations in the case of attachments as well. Here you can choose how you want to export your attachments stored in the emails.
Bates Number: You can also apply Bates Number to the PDF during the export task. Not just adding Bates Number, you can also choose how you want the Bates Numbers to be.
Under the Naming Convention tab, you can select the Naming Convention settings as per your need.
You can also click on the ‘+’ icon placed adjacent to the Naming Convention settings to apply additional settings.
If you click on the ‘+’ icon, a new window will pop up where you can apply settings to the email properties.
You can switch to the Bates Number tab and make customizations as per your need.
In the Export window, enter the Job Title and choose the Destination Path where you want to save your data. You can also add an additional Note to the export process if needed.
Finally, click on the Export button.
You can then see the Export progress under the Export tab.
To have a detailed analysis of export process, click on the Processing tab.
After completion, the export job will move under Completed tab.
Click on the Export Name to get detailed report of the process.
The software will generate Export Report details as shown below:
You can also check export details of individual items by clicking on the Item Export Details option.
Click on the Export to CSV button to export the report in CSV format.
Here you can select the Job Headers Properties and check/uncheck the properties that you want to export.
Click on the Detail Report Headers tab to check properties under it and click on the OK button.
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