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Step-by-Step Method to Perform Office 365 Incremental Migration

Written By Tej Pratap Shukla
Anuraag Singh
Approved By Anuraag Singh  
Published On November 10th, 2023
Reading Time 3 Minutes Reading

During the Office 365 migration, the user mailboxes that are being migrated might receive new emails in the source domain/platform. And, it’s highly possible that the newly arrived emails might not migrate to the target platform.

Therefore, for migration of those emails without duplicates can be done by using Office 365 incremental migration. So, that there will no duplicate emails in the target server to make the destination accounts easily accessible and manageable.

Unfortunately, if you are migrating mailbox using manual means, then there are no way of migrating incremented (newly arrived) emails from the source server to the destination server. However, automated tools like the SysTools Office 365  to Office 365 Migration Tool offers an incremental migration facility named “Delta Migration”. This feature allows the administrator to migrate incoming emails from source server to the destination server in few clicks.

How does Office 365 Incremental Migration work?

After performing the migration once, the tool keeps the log file in your system. This log file contains the indexes of every user whose mailboxes have been migrated in the last migration attempt.

So, the next time when you initiate another migration using the incremental migration option, the tool will fetch the indexes and simply skip only previously migrated data. It means, instead of migrating duplicated data that’s already been migrated, the tool will only migrate those emails that are received after completion of the previous migration.

Note: This feature will only work when both previous and current migrations are performed on the same machine.

How to Use Incremental Migration Feature of Tool

The incremental migration feature of SysTools Migrator is also called as “Delta Migration”. This feature is one of the best attributes to perform the migration without duplicates. Using this feature you can save time, bandwidth, and storage space in the target server. SysTools offers unlimited delta migration options to keep migrating the newly arrived emails from source server to destination server. There is no limitation on migration attempts or data migration limit. Following are the working steps of tool to perform Office 365 incremental migration:

1. Use the below download button to get the tool and install it on your system.

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2. After launching the tool, Activate the tool for Demo or Full version.

3. Next, select the source and destination platform and choose a category from the workload section.

4. Provides details of the source and destination platforms and validate both (use Project Settings in tool window to get details of migration projection steps)

5. Choose the desired option for mapping the source and destination user accounts.

6. Validate the user accounts and click on Start Migration button to begin the process.

7. Once the migration is finished, the tool will preview the Delta Migration option. This option will work as an incremental migration feature to migrate newly arrived emails and skip already migrated items.

Office 365 incremental migration

Apart from incremental migration, tool also offers “Retry Failed” and “Re-Run Full Migration” options.

  • Retry Failed: If you want to migrate also those items that failed in the previous attempt then you can use this option.
  • Re-Run Full Migration: This option will initiate the migration for all the categories to counter any items that skipped during the previous migration attempt.


Once the initial migration attempt finishes, it’s necessary to perform incremental migration to migrate all those emails that are received in the source server. By using Office 365 incremental migration feature, the tool will simply skip already migrated items and migrates newly arrived emails.



By Tej Pratap Shukla

A versatile technocrat, always in the search for new and interesting areas related to technology. Works on multiple technical problems faced by users frequently. Provides the user-friendly solutions to deal with numerous technical issues.

Office 365 Migration Services