A Step by Step guide to show you how the specially developed EO1 Viewer Pro tool works to view & export E01 files.
After downloading the software, start the installation process. You can select any language from the list (English, French, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, Deutsch, Italian, Russian, Indonesian, Netherland, Danish, Hungarian, Norwegian, Polish, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese, Czech, Thai) as per your requirement.
Now start by checking all the steps of SysTools E01 Viewer Pro. The software's first window appears as seen below:
Click on Add File or Add Folder to start the process of adding E01 file into the application.
Once the file is added you can easily able to see all the added files in the left files and folder view pane.
Click on the required folder to view the files.
Additionally, you can view the files categorywise by applying the Filter option. Select the desired filter to view the same category data
One can also search file or folders using the Search option.
Now, under the search option, there are date filter options available. You can choose the "On" option to select date type and apply the date range to refine your search results.
In the search option you can also search for the specific keywords.
Users, can opt from the Preview and Save option to save or preview the E01 file as per their requirement.
If you want to preview the data, you can use the Preview feature to view the file before Scanning .
- If the file format is PST, OST or EDB, you can choose the "Scan" option. Click on Scan
The inbuild viewer will be launched.Now, it will show the entire data.
- If the file is in the form of documents, text, or images, you can select the "Preview" option. Click on Preview.
After clicking on the file option you will easily view the file that you want to see.
To save the selected item, click the "Save Selected" option in the top right corner.
To save the selected folder or all data, choose the "Save" option above.
Users can export searched results data. Select the listed result and click on Save Selected to save searched items only.
Once the file is saved the pop-up shown, click on the OK button.
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