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How to Convert Documents - Check with Complete Steps

Explore the complete process to convert 40+ document formats to PDF file format.


Launch the tool on your system. The tool has 4 buttons on its starting interface: Add File(s), Add Folder, Remove, and Remove All.

run document converter

Add File(s): After clicking on the Add File(s) button, you can navigate to any location on your computer and select any supported file or multiple supported files from the computer to add to the software.

add selected documents

Add Folder: After clicking on the Add Folder button, you can navigate to any location on your computer and select a folder that contains multiple document files. You can use this option to load the entire folder’s files into the software at once.

add folder of documents

Remove: If you have added unwanted files into the software, then hit Remove to discard files from the tool.

remove selected documents

Remove All: Choose the Remove All option to remove all the files from the tool. Keep in mind that the two remove options only remove the file from the tool and do not delete them.

remove all documents

The tool supports documents with these file extensions: docx, doc, docm, dot, dotx, dotm, txt, log, rtf, ini, odt, epub, chm, ott, mobi, azw3, asp, aspx, c, cs, css, h, java, js, php, vb, azw, wps, razor, csproj, sln,md, xml, htm, html, mhtml, mht, xhtml, config, slam, xls, xlsx, xlsm, xlsb, xltx, xltm, xlt, csv, ods,numbers, json, sxc, fods, ots, tsv.

Note: You can add multiple documents of different types at once and preview them in the software.


If any of the added files are encrypted with a password, then users can add the password in the Password section to help the software process it for further viewing.

process password protected document

In the next window, you can preview all the added files by clicking on them. The preview will be shown according to the state of the original file. For example, if the Excel sheet has small rows and columns due to which some text remains hidden, then the preview will showcase excatly that secnario. However the exported file will have complete data.

preview window


Now apply the Advanced PDF Settings:

Header & Footer Settings

  • Header Text: Type what you want to appear in header.
  • Header Position: Top Middle
  • Footer Text: Type what you want to appear in footer.
  • Footer Positions: Bottom Left, Bottom Right, Bottom Middle

header and footer

Font Settings

  • Font: Arial, Helvetica, Times-roman, Verdana, Georgia
  • Font Size: 8, 10, 12
  • Font Color: Black, Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Pink


Page Layout Settings

  • Margins (Top, Bottom, Left, Right): 2.0 mm to 10.0 mm
  • Paper Orientation: Portrait, Landscape
  • Page Size: A4, A3, Letter

page layout

Bates Number

  • Bates Number Format: Start number, Increment by, Position (Bottom Right, Bottom Middle, Top Right)
  • Date Stamp:
  • Position: Top Left, Bottom Right, Top Right
  • Format: 8 Date Formats

bates number

Password Protection

  • Add Password on Output PDF File(s): Option to password-protect the exported PDF files. You can choose to add a password to one file or all files at once.

password protection


Now Browse the Destination location, click on Change.

click on Change

Select a folder to save the resulting files.

select folder


Finally, click on the Export button to start the process.

click on export

(Optional) This window only appears if you choose to "add password on output PDF files." Here either apply the same password to all the exported PDF files or give them separate passwords one at a time.

add password and export

Export process completed.

export process complete


Now click on View report button to go to the Destination folder and view the generated PDF files.

click on view report

go to destination


Then go through the ExportReport.csv file to find the history of the process.

view report

Free Download Document Converter Tool Download Now