CSV merger

SysTools CSV Merger Tool

Choose the Standard SysTools CSV merge tool to combine multiple CSV files into one with 100% accuracy. This advanced quick CSV joiner allows users to browse, load, merge CSV files and get complete progress report for easy data management. The user can work with this software without ristriction till 2GB of file size limit.

(Average Rating 4.7 Based on 2881 Reviews)
  • Merge CSV files from Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets,and Other Platforms
  • Choose Standard Merge to combine CSV files from the Same Platform
  • Allows users to set primary file for structured and organized merging
  • Combine CSV files only when the column structure is same for Accuracy.
  • Choose specific files or folders to merge instead of combining all data.
  • This CSV Merger creates new CSV File if Size Limit Exceeds While Merging
  • CSV Merge Tool Supports Both Windows & Mac OS with Optimum Compatibility.
  • Compatability to Works on Windows 10 & 11 (64-bit) and Mac OS.

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Merge All CSV Files of Any Platform

Outlook.com CSV files

Thunderbird CSV files

Ubuntu CSV files

Google Mail CSV files

Powershell CSV files

Google Mail CSV files


CSV Merger Software - Key Features

Instantly Merge CSV Files & Combine Multiple CSV Files Without Any Duplicate Items

CSV merger

Merge Multiple CSV Files

This CSV merge tool is designed in such a way that it is capable enough to combine both small as well as large-sized CSV files into one. Users don’t need to install any other software to combine all CSV files into one single file. Since it is the offline software users don't need to be worried about the risk of any cyber breaches or misuse of data.

CSV merge tool

Set Destination Path Easily

This CSV merge tool allows its users to choose and set the desired destination path for merged files. Simply organize the output files while maintaining the smooth data storage. Whether you need to merge CSV files from different locations or combine multiple CSV files into one, this feature simplifies file management.

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Advanced Selective CSV Merge

This CSV merger provides its users an advanced filter of selective CSV merge. This feature ensures flexibility when you need to merge two CSV files or combine all CSV files into one without unnecessary data. The tool maintains accuracy and efficiency throughout the merging process.

CSV merge

Supports All CSV Platforms

This CSV merge tool works with all CSV compatible platforms such as Outlook, G Suite, Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc, and others. Using the advanced merge features, users can simply browse, load, and merge multiple CSV files quickly from the same or other platforms.

combine CSV files

Maintain Data Integrity & Structure

The CSV merge tool ensures data integrity while combining multiple CSV files into one, preserving formatting across all sources. It only merges files with matching columns. Even when you combine multiple CSV files into one, it guarantees 100% data accuracy without any loss.

combine multiple CSV files into one

Auto-Generate New CSV if Size Exceeds

This CSV joiner has functionality if the file size limit is exceeded, the tool automatically creates a new CSV file. This ensures a smooth merging process when handling large datasets. This also prevents data corruption whether you merge two CSV files or combine all CSV files into one.

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Get a Full Summary Report

After merging, the CSV merger generates a complete summary report detailing the number of files merged, errors (if any), and the final output. This feature helps track the merging process and ensures you combine multiple CSV files into one successfully without missing any data.

destination location

CSV Merge Tool for Windows & Mac

The CSV merge tool is compatible with Windows (11 & lower) and Mac OS, offering seamless functionality across both platforms. Whether you need to merge CSV files, combine CSV files, or merge two CSV files, this tool provides a smooth experience for all users.

CSV Merge Tool – Specifications

Hardware and Software Requirements to Merge CSV Files

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(Windows OS)

Name: SysTools CSV Merger
Version: 3.0
Size: 75.8 MB
Release Date:  March, 2025
MD5: ed955eb4b9ce9b1e48db1ba0effe8c2f
Delivery: Free via Email
Free Version: Download Now

(Mac OS)

SysTools Mac CSV Merger
25.5 MB
March, 2025
Free via Email
Download Now

Trial Limitations:

Demo version will only merge 25 records per CSV file.

Demo version will only merge 25 records per CSV file.
(Windows) (Mac)
Hard Disk Space: 100 MB of free hard disk space required 100 MB of free hard disk space required
RAM: 4 GB of RAM (4 GB is recommended) 4 GB of RAM (4 GB is recommended)
Processor: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo CPU E4600 @ 2.40GHz 2.39GHz Mac Computer with Intel Processor
Mac Computer with Apple Silicon (Apple M1)


 Windows 11 (64 bit), 10, 8, 7 (32 bit or 64 bit) & Windows Server 2019, 2016, 2012 R2, 2008 Compatible with Microsoft Outlook 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021 (32/64 bit)

MacOS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion), MacOS X 10.9(Mavericks), MacOS X 10.10 (Yosemite), MacOS X 10.11 (El Capitan), MacOS X 10.12 (Sierra), MacOS X 10.13 (High Sierra), MacOS X 10.14 (Mojave), MacOS X 10.15 (Catalina), MacOS X 11.0 (Big Sur), MacOS X 12.0 (Monterey), MacOS X 13.0 (Ventura), MacOS X 14.0 (Sonoma)

Application Pre-Requisites:


  • Microsoft .NET framework 4.5 or above should be installed.


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CSV Merge Tool - Comparison

Get an Overview of CSV Files Merger Features - Free & Full Version

Features Free Version Full Version
Add CSV File in software panel
Set Destination Path
Dedicated Status Panel
Allows to Select Primary File Preference
CSV Merge in Single Folder
Complete Rows Merge Only Merge First 25 Records (Rows) Complete Items
Cost FREE $29

Frequently Asked Questions

Listed Commonly Asked Questions and Their Answers

How to merge CSV files usng SysTools CSV Merger tool?

Here is a quick 5-step execution plan to merge CSV files:

  • Step-1. Install and run SysTools CSV merger on system
  • Step-2. Click “CSV Merge” and upload your CSV files
  • Step-3. Software list the CSV files in the dashboard
  • Step-4. Select the destination location and click Merge
This CSV combine takes fraction of time to provide you with the result of Merged CSV files.
Yes, users can specify a destination path before merging, making it easy to organize and manage output files efficiently.
No, you do not require installing any other application to use this tool. The SysTools CSV Merger is a standalone application that works flawlessly on its own.
Yes, the CSV merge tool is designed to handle CSV files from various platforms like Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel, and others. As long as the columns match, the tool will seamlessly merge CSV files into one while preserving data integrity, making it ideal for combining data from different sources without issues.
Worry not as our customer support team is available 24*7.

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