Follow step by step guide to fetch, preview and download specific reports of objects present inside an Active Directory using SysTools AD Reporter.
Download and Launch the SysTools AD Reporter Tool.
Type administrator in place of both the User ID and Password. It is set this default value but can be changed via tool settings.
After successful login, you will see this Screen. Now Click on Activate option on the bottom left.
A new window titled Product Activation opens up on top of the original screen.
Copy and paste the Activation Code that you get on the registered email ID. Press the Apply button and wait for activation.
After sucessfull activation the status changes to Activated. Below that you can see the expiry date of the license as well. To close the Product Activation window click on "OK".
Click on Register Domain Controller button.
After clicking on the Register Domain Controller button, you will see the below screen.
Enter Domain Friendly Name & IP Address of a particular domain. Click on Save & Continue button.
You automatically move to the Domain Details screen. There you need to fill in two details the Admin User ID and Admin Password.
After you type both details press the Save & Continue button.
Wait for permission validation. Then move on to the Report tab.
If you close the Domain Details Page. You go back to the main dashboard. There all the domains are in a tabular view. There you can view the Domain Friendly name, IP Address, Status, and Created On date.
Toggle the icons beside the search bar to change the table view into Grid view. This gives a more compact view of all the domain data.
Select any domain and click on the pencil icon to edit it. Make the Changes and Press Save.
Like wise with the bin icon you can permanently remove any domain from the list. Select Yes to confirm deletion.
To add a new domain press the rightmost building icon. Fill the Register Domain Controller details. Then, Press Save & Continue.
Click on the Domain to go back to the Domain Details page and Move to the Reports Tab. In the Report Section there are multiple options to choose from. To view the full range of available object categories you have to scroll.
As an example we click on All Users. The Path at the top indicates your choice. Both your Workload and category is highlighted in a shade of blue where as rest of the option remain grey.
Some options enable the duration to choose the time interval from where you want to pull your report from. Like the Created category in users object.
The preset time intervals include: These options start from the current day and move backwards till the selected time interval.
If you want to apply a custom date filter that option is available as well select Custom option then use the Date Picker to pick the starting and ending date on the calendar menu.
After the timeline selection click OK you get the time interval inside Picker menu.
Once the selections are complete you can verify them right in the Tool's dashboard. Click on Preview button. This presents the data in tabular format for you to view.
To get the report click on Download Report button and select CSV from the dropdown list. Confirm it by hitting the Download button in the pop up.
A save as window appears browse for the path and hit Save.
This takes you back to the tool where a successfull download message awaits. Close the message by hitting the OK button.
Go to the file location where you saved the report.
Open and view the CSV.
To get the report click on Download Report button and select CSV from the dropdown list.
Confirm it by hitting the Download button in the pop up.
A save as window appears browse for the path and hit Save.
This takes you back to the tool where a successfull download message awaits. Close the message by hitting the OK button.
Go to the file location where you saved the report. Then open and view the CSV.
To get the report click on Download Report button and select CSV from the dropdown list.
Confirm it by hitting the Download button in the pop up.
A save as window appears browse for the path and hit Save.
This takes you back to the tool where a successfull download message awaits. Close the message by hitting the OK button.
Go to the file location where you saved the report. Then open and view the CSV.
To get the report click on Download Report button and select CSV from the dropdown list.
Confirm it by hitting the Download button in the pop up.
A save as window appears browse for the path and hit Save.
This takes you back to the tool where a successfull download message awaits. Close the message by hitting the OK button.
Go to the file location where you saved the report. Then open and view the CSV.
To get the report click on Download Report button and select CSV from the dropdown list.
Confirm it by hitting the Download button in the pop up.
A save as window appears browse for the path and hit Save.
This takes you back to the tool where a successfull download message awaits. Close the message by hitting the OK button.
Go to the file location where you saved the report. Then open and view the CSV.
To get the report click on Download Report button and select CSV from the dropdown list.
Confirm it by hitting the Download button in the pop up.
A save as window appears browse for the path and hit Save.
This takes you back to the tool where a successfull download message awaits. Close the message by hitting the OK button.
Go to the file location where you saved the report. Then open and view the CSV.